RSES PTA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the PTA?
PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association and is an organization that consists of parents, teachers, and staff working together to support students' education and improve school environments. PTAs often organize events, fundraisers, and provide a voice for parents in the school system. Texas PTA’s mission is to make every child's potential a reality by empowering families and communities to advocate for children.
What makes PTA special?
Members are the backbone of our association. With PTA we strive to build a knowledgeable team of individuals working for all children. A membership engaged in the school and community will build the foundation for its children and future generations. A membership that reaches beyond the parents and teachers and looks out into the community will open its doors to many opportunities. By extending membership, our voice becomes stronger, so policymakers on all levels will hear a strong, unified voice for all children. Texas PTA is a member-based association that advocates. PTA supports legislation that will raise the quality of opportunities for all children, regardless of race, creed, or religion.
Who serves on the RSE PTA board?
The officers of the RSES PTA board are elected by RSES PTA membership annually in April. Terms are for one year. Board members may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same position. The board is composed of the elected officers including the president, 5 vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, as well as the appointed members - parliamentarian, membership chair, two council delegates, the campus principal, and two teacher liaisons.The president appoints the parliamentarian, membership chair, and two council delegates. The principal appoints two teacher liaisons.
How does RSE PTA benefit my kids and the school?
The PTA financially sponsors many school-led activities such as guest speakers and field day. In addition the RSE PTA organization has standing committees who create and coordinate enrichment year-long activities. The PTA’s budget is used for student-focused programs, such as the learning garden or art appreciation, community focused activities such as Movie Night or Carnival, and Staff focused initiatives such as appreciation and workroom stocking. Since the PTA is a non-profit, any money received must be spent in a way that works towards the mission of the PTA – in this case to benefit children.
I joined PTA last year – Do I need to join again?
Yes. PTA memberships are annual memberships lasting from August 1-July 30. We ask all parents and staff to affirm their commitment each year.
Does joining mean I’m required to volunteer or attend meetings?
No, joining does not obligate you to do anything more than that. Please join and show that you care and are invested in the welfare of our children. You are not required to donate, volunteer or attend PTA meetings – but we’d love it if you did!
Why does the marquee have different messages on each side?
The side you can see from the front of the school is reserved for DSISD messaging. The side that faces the Rec Center is reserved for PTA messaging. The district owns the marquee. The PTA volunteers to update it monthly.
Why does the PTA Fundraise?
One of the unique structures of the PTA versus other parent organizations is that fundraising is only conducted to support the goals of the PTA programs and initiatives for the year. Every PTA will begin the year with specific goals aligned with the PTA’s mission and should also consider
the principal’s goals. They will then determine the funds needed to accomplish these goals and which fundraisers will work best. It is important to remember it isn’t just about raising funds, but also about how we raise the funds. Fundraising events must reflect the high principles of the PTA, be educational, social, or have recreational value.
How does RSE PTA raise money?
A small portion of money raised comes from annual membership dues and community sponsorship. In the 2024-2025 school year, 92% of the annual PTA budget was raised during the APEX fundraiser. The PTA’s budget is used for student-focused programs, such as the learning garden or art appreciation, community focused activities such as Movie Night or Carnival, and Staff focused initiatives such as appreciation, supply room, and teacher workroom supplies. Since the PTA is a non-profit, any money received must be spent in a way that works towards the benefit of the children, which is the mission of the PTA.
How do I become a volunteer:
Fill out the DSISD Inspiring Volunteers background check application through the district. Approval may take a few days. Every volunteer entering the school must complete this and a new application must be submitted each school year. Next, check the Volunteer Opportunities page for active volunteer requests. When you arrive at the school, bring your picture ID, and push the buzzer to be allowed in.
When is Book Fair?
Book Fair is hosted by Rooster Springs Elementary. The PTA provides volunteer support if requested. Please contact the Rooster Springs Facilitator of Learning & Innovation (FLI) since they oversee the Center for Learning & Innovation (CL&I) which includes a library, production studio, Makerspace, and lots of room to collaborate and explore. The FLI will have the most up to date information about this year’s Book Fair.
When I join, why do I belong to our State and National PTA?
Though each individual PTA is locally run to best meet the needs of their students, the network of council, district, regional, state PTAs and National PTA provides training, information, programs, and services to its members in addition to advocating for children on state and national levels. National PTA provides necessary information and support on running a non-profit organization as well as materials on parenting and education. National PTA also has partnerships with companies that provide discounts to members and online parenting resources such as Our Child Magazine.
If I join the PTA, am I required to have my information published in the PTA Directory?
No. You can be a member without sharing your contact information. If you decide to be in the directory, you choose which pieces of information to share.
Have a question not answered here? Email us!